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518 THE SUCCESSION QUESTION October First that it pleased your maiestie of your most singular & abundant beneficence to signify unto us being occupied after our accustomed manner in deuising of the manner of our foresaid subsedy, that yow made more estimation of our carefulnes in the deuising and dutefulnes in the free offring, than of the substance & uallew therof. And to make a plaine demonstration of your maiesties princely Iudgment to be such in uery dede, Yow were gratiously beyond all examples within any memory conntented (notwithstanding your publick affaires might require more) that we shuld at this time reteyne to our selues somme portion of that which we intended, esteming us your storors or treasorers (as in dede we are most glad to be accompted) both of that and of all the rest that we haue to serue your highnes person to the maintenance of your estate crowne & dignity. Secondly that it hath pleased your maiestie to signify to us before we could haue oport unity to make our request, that God had now moued your maiesties hart to the liking of mariadg, and that principally for the weale of us your faithfull subiectes, Yow were deter- mined to marry, as by your deedes shuld be proued assone as time and occasion could serue to accomplish the same, wherof we haue conceaued so great comefort, as we can not but by continuall prayer to Almighty God beseche him to direct, furder, and make perfect the same with such honorable issew of your maiesties body, as may continew the noble ligne of your maiesties father of most noble memory King Henry the eight to reigne ouer us and our posterity for euer, which without your maiesties mariage is now by Godes ordonnance made impossible. Thirdly we can not also but remember to your maiestie that it pleased the same amongst other thinges to signefy unto us, that rather then your realme shuld be in danger for lack of declaration of succession (which your maiestie hoped by Godes goodnes wold appeare of your owne body in due time upon your mariage) yow wold by the assistance of Godes grace, whan conuenient time and oportunity shuld so seme unto yow (which for sundry great & weighty considerations your maiestie found presently not mete) so haue regard therto, that your care therin shuld well shew it self & appeare much more for the contentacion & suerty of us your people & our posterities, then of your owne particuler (although, as your maiestie sayd, we could not well be ignorant what perill the second person might some time brede the first, nether were yow sure that a second wold not be seduced though yow could neuer so be, as she whose dutifull mind was neuer blotted with cryme. In which your gratious disposition and care for us, we most humbly beseche Almighty God to continew your maiestie, and to prosper your intentions and actions to establish that which may be with assent of your realme in parlyament agreable and consonant to lawe and Iustice and to remain of all ages herafter inuiolable, and to the praise honor and memory of your maiestie & yours perpetually. 'And so hauing with your maiesties fauor presented to the same in the forefront of our small but a most free and willing gift, these our most humble recognisctions, we likewise beseche your maiestie to receaue the rest that f ollowith as the fruites of our f aithfulnes and bounden duty that we beare to your maiestie, And that touching the grant of our said subsedy, It may be enacted in manner and forme following.