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574 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS October 405. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 20 April 1717. Brief to rector of English college at Douai giving him increased powers. Faint trace of Anulus Piscatoris. ' De tua singulari '. Add. MS. 20243, fo. 68. 406. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 6 July 1717. Brief to Cardinal Gualterio appointing him protector of the English at Rome. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. ' In supremo ecclesiae '. Add. MS. 20243, fo. 77. 407. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 16 September 1717. Brief to Henri Wiet making him a knight (' auratae Militiae equitem '). Trace of Anulus Piscatoris in red wax. ' Ex Romani Pontificis '. Add. Ch. 12819. 408. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 12 February 1718. Brief to James Edward [Stuart], the Old Pretender, stating that whereas in the brief appointing Edmund Kelly 1 bishop of Clonfert no mention was made, for reasons of expediency, of the Pretender's nomination, this implies no detriment to his right of nomination. Impression of Anulus Piscatoris ; on each fold are slits for the threads by which the brief was closed. * Cum nos hodie '. Add. MS. 34638, fos. 248 b-9. Benedict XIII (1724-30) 409. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 22 August 1724. Brief to [C. C. E. Jouvenel de] Harville des Ursins, marquis de Trainel, in reply to congratulations on his election. Faint trace of Anulus Piscatoris.

  • Luculentas letitie significationes Add. Ch. 12820.

410. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 16 September 1726. Brief to Luisa Isabella, queen-widow of Spain, introducing Luigi Gualterio. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. ■ Tua erga nos Add. MS. 20659, fos. 8 b-9. 411. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 16 September 1726. Similar brief to duke of Bourbon. Trace of Anulus Piscatoris. * Quamquam Nobilitati tue '. Add. MS. 20659, fos. 10 b-11. Clement XII (1730-40) 412. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 14 August 1732. Mandate to referen- dary, doyen of the canons, and vicar-general in spiritualibus of Novara to induct P. F. de' Medici to rectory of parish church of Terdobbiate. Clemens. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Hodie dilecto filio '. Add. Ch. 24326. Benedict XIV (1740-58) 413. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 12 November 1740. Grant to the same P. F. de' Medici, on his resignation of the rectory and appoint- ment as coadjutor to Alexander Barbanara, canon of Novara, of an annual pension. Benedictus. Holes (2) for threads of bulla.

  • Iitterarum scientia vite Add. Ch. 24327.

414. Rome, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 13 September 1745. Appointment of Giuseppe Rambaldi to rectory of parish church of St. Agatha Major, Ravenna. Benedictus. Bulla ; silk. ' Vite ac morum Add. Ch. 29256. 1 ' Written ' Kellis ', but Kelly is a likelier name.