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INDEX TO THE THIRTY-SIXTH VOLUME ARTICLES, NOTES AND DOCUMENTS ' Adventus Vicecomitum ', 1258-72 : by Miss M. H. Mills, 481 ' Alimenta ' of Nerva and his succes- sors, The : by Miss A. M. Ashley, 5 ' Attracted ' script, An : by Miss G. R. Cole-Baker (Mrs. V. H. Galbraith), 420 Avranches manuscript of Vacarius, The : by F. de Zulueta, 545 ' Bay Salt ', The Etymology of : by J. A. Twemlow, 214 Bruce, David, Negotiations for the ransom of, in 1349 : by C. Johnson, 57 Butler's Serjeanty, A : by J. H. Round, 46 Cambridge university, The beginning of : by the Rev. H. E. Salter, 419 Channel Islands petitions of 1 305, The : by R. L. Atkinson, 554 Charles I, An unpublished letter from, to the Marquis of Ormonde : by G. H. Orpen, 229 Corunna packets, Trading with the enemy and the, 1689-97 : by G. N. Clark, 521 Coventry, The two earliest municipal charters of : by James Tait, 50 Edgehill, The battle of : by Godfrey Davies, 30, 320 Elgin, The report of Lord, on Levan- tine affairs and Malta, 28th February 1803 : by J. Holland Rose, 234 English Historical Review, The begin- nings of the, 1 Escheatries, The, 1327-41 : -by S. T. Gibson, 218 Exchequer and wardrobe in 1270 : by L. Ehrlich, 553 Exchequer, verses on the, in the fif- teenth century : by C. H. Haskins and Mrs. E. George, 58 Frederick II, the emperor, The ' De arte venandi cum avibus ' of : by C. H. Haskins, 334 Henry V and the duke of Bedford, The war finances of : by R. A. Newhall, 172 House of commons and St. Stephen's Chapel, The : by Miss W. Jay, 225 Indentures between Edward IV and Warwick the Kingmaker : by Miss C. L. Scofield, 67 Jamaica, The early history of, 1511- 36 : by Miss I. Wright, 70 Lincoln, The parliament of, of 1316 : by Miss H. Johnstone, 53, 480 Maurice of Rievaulx : by F. M. Powicke, 17, 320 Monasterium Niridanum : by Regi- nald L. Poole, 540 Ormonde, the marquis of, An unpub- lished letter from Charles I to : by G. H. Orpen, 229 Papal bulls and briefs in the depart- ment of manuscripts, British Museum, A list of original : by H. Idris Bell, 393, 556 Pipe rolls, The dating of the early : by J. H. Round, 321 St. Saphorin, A letter of 1721 from, to Townshend, by C. S. B. Buckland, 583 St. Stephen's Chapel, The house of commons and : by Miss W. Jay, 225 Scutage, A mention of, in the year 1100: by W. A. Morris, 45 ' Shire-House ' and castle yard : by J. H. Round, 210 Succession question in 1562/3 and 1566, Parliament and the : by J. E. Neale, 497 Supercargo in the China trade about the year 1700, The: by H. B. Morse, 199 Townshend's ' Historical Collections ' , The authorship of : by J. E. Neale, 96 Trading with the enemy and the Corunna packets, 1689-97 : by G. N. Clark, 521