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634 INDEX TO THE THIRTY-SIXTH VOLUME Lange (C. C.) Histoire de V internatio- nalisme, i : by Sir A. W. Ward, 461 Lavaquery (l'Abbe E.), Le cardinal de Boisgelin, i, ii : by E. L. Wood- ward, 599 Law quarterly review, xxxvi, no. 143, 153 Lee (Miss I.) Captain Blights second voyage, 309 Lheritier (M.) Tournay, 308 Libellus de imperatoria potestate, II Chronicon di Benedetto del Soratte e il ; ed. by G. Zucchetti : by R. L. Poole, 441 Loewe (V.) and Stimming (M.) Jahres- berichte der deutschen Geschichte, i, 316 Luke (H. C.) Cyprus under the Turks, 1571-1878, 470 Miss H. M. Dodds : by Miss C. A. J. Skeel, 269 Newspapers, Tercentenary hand list of English and Welsh, 158 Oppenheim (L.) International law, i, peace, 158 Open (G. H.) Ireland under the Normans, iii, iv : by F. M. Powicke, 451 Oswald (F.) and Price (T. D.) Intro- duction to the study of terra sigillata : by H. H. E. Craster, 103 Owen, Robert, The life of, by himself : ed. by M. Beer, 474 Oxfordshire chantry certificates and Edwardian inventories ; ed. by Miss R. Graham : by the Rev. S. L. Ollard, 126 Mangin (General) Comment finit la Guerre, 475 Mann (J.) The Jews in Egypt under the Fatimid caliphs, 303 Marshall (T. M.) and Bolton (H. E.) The colonization of North America, 1492-1783, 619 Martineau (A.) Dupleiz et VInde francaise : by P. E. Roberts, 134 Martin-Leake (S.) The Life of Sir John Leake : ed. by G. Callender, 472 Mathieson (W. L.) England in transi- tion, 1789-1832 : by the Rev. W. Hunt, 458 Matterns (J.) The employment of the plebiscite in the determination of sovereignty, 626 Mawer (A.) The place-names of North- umberland and Durham : by Henry Bradley, 294, 630 Mellows (W. T.) The local government of Peterborough, pt. i, section 1, 476 Meyer (H. H. B.) References on the treaty-making power, 159 Michael (E.) Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, vi, 304 Michael (W.) Englische Geschichte im 18 ten Jahrhundert, ii; 1 : by Sir A. W. Ward, 276 ; i, new ed., 624 Midi, Annates du, nos. 121-4, 479 Month, The, August 1921, 628 Moreau de Jonnes (A.) Adventures in wars of the Republic and Consulate, 310 Moses (B.) Spain's declining power in South America, 1730-1806, 624 Muller-Lyer (F.) The history of social development, tr. by E. C. and H. A. Lake, 157 Murray (R. H.) Erasmus and Luther : by the Rev. B. J. Kidd, 124 Nelis (H.) Chambre des comptes de Lille, catalogue des chartes, i, 314 Chambre des comptes de Lille, in- ventaires des comptes en rouleaux, 315 Archives de V universite" de Vetat d Louvain, 315 Newcastle Council Minute Book, Ex- tracts from the, 1639-56 ; ed. by Passiones vitaeque sanctorum aevi Merovingici, vii, pt. 2 ; ed. by B. Krusch and W. Levison : by E. W. Brooks, 105 Patrick, St., His writings and life : ed. by N. J. D. White, 143 Peace conference of Paris, A history of the, i-iii ; ed. by H. W. V. Temper- ley : by Sir G. Butler, 291 Pearce (E. H.) Walter de Wenlok, abbot of Westminster, 614 Pelster (F.) Kritische Studien zum Leben und zu den Schriften Alberts des Grossen : by W. H. V. Reade, 449 Percival, Viscount, first earl of Egmonf, Diary of, i : by R. R. Sedgwick, 456 Pirenne (H.) Histoire de Belgique, v : by Basil Williams, 597 Pollard (A. F.) The evolution of parlia- ment : by James Tait, 252 Poole (R. L.) Illustrations of the history of medieval thought and learning, 2nd ed. : by C. W. Previte-Orton, 587 Porteus (T. C.) Captain Myles Standish, 317 Prentout (H.) Histoire de V Angleterre, 153 Prestage (E.) A embaixada de Tristao de Mendonca Furtado em 1641, 621. Proceedings of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, liii, 320 Provence, Recueil des actes des rois de 855-928; ed. by R. Poupardin : by T. F. Tout, 437 Pryce (T. D.) and Oswald (F.) Intro- duction to the study of terra sigillata : by H. H. E. Craster, 103 Rainerius Perusinus, Die Ars Notariae des ; ed. by L. Wahrmund : by F. de Zulueta, 250 Rawlinson (H. G.) British beginnings in India, 1579-1657, 620 Rees ( J. F.) Social and industrial history of England, 1815-1918, 151 Revue d' histoire ecclesiastique, xv, 319 ; xvii, 628 Richmond (H. W.) The navy in the war of 1739-48 : by J. Holland Rose, 282