Page:Englishmen in the French Revolution.djvu/361

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Kowles, his wife and daughter. Jan. 11, 1794.

Lack, Anne, servant to Duc de Biron. At Luxembourg,
July 21, 1794, to Nov, 19, 1794.

Laing. See Delany.

Lambert, Sir John Francis, Bart, 63, banker. At St.
Pélagie, Nov. 3, 1793. Liberated, rearrested, and
liberated. Said to have made a large sum by speculations
in the English funds, having had through
Madame de Pompadour early intelligence of the treaty
of 1763. Died in England 1799. Compensation
awarded in 1820 to his widow, Sophia Niepe, a
Swiss (she married again, 1805), and to his sons'

Lamplow, Richard, sergeant. Captured at Toulon with

Lang, Francis George, 14, jockey. Arrested for uttering
counterfeit notes, April 22, 1795.

Latham, Sarah Mary, 24, lay sister. At Austin convent.

Lancaster, Frances Louisa, 61, superior of the Austin
nuns from 1765 to 1808.

Leberton, Andrew James Hyacinth, Irish. At Benedictines'.

Lepine, James, 27, teacher of languages, native of London.
At La Force and Luxembourg, October 11, 1793, to Jan. 1, 1794.

Lepretre, Jane Charlotte Floyd, 57, widow, and two
daughters, 23 and 21, Jan. 12, 1794, to Oct. 11, 1794.

Lewis, Mary, 68, Conceptionist nun. Died 1794.

Lloyd, Mary, 77, Conceptionist nun.

Lonergan, Anne Theresa, 28, Conceptionist nun.

Long. See Blanchet.

Lutton, potter. At Carmelites', April 1, 1794, to Aug.
15, 1794.

Luttrell, Temple, M.P. for Milborne Port, 1776, son of
Lord Carhampton; married daughter of Sir Henry
Gould, Justice of the Common Pleas. Arrested at
Boulogne, Sept. 18, 1793. At Abbaye and Luxembourg,
Oct. 24, 1793, to Feb. 14, 1795. Died at
Paris, Jan. 14, 1803. See pp. 148, 299.

Lynch, John Baptist, Irish. Liberated Sept. 15, 1794.