Page:Englishmen in the French Revolution.djvu/366

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Rive (Reeve?), John. At Luxembourg.

Roden, Patrick, 28, weaver, Irishman; deserter from the
English army. Guillotined June 6, 1794. See
p. 180.

Sackville, Mary Clementine, 83, Conceptionist nun.

St. Leger, Edmund, 41, doctor. Irishman. Tried Jan. 8,
1794, and acquitted. Was one of the three commissioners
of inquiry sent to St. Domingo in Aug. 1791;
returned June 1792.

Shaw, Joseph Francis. At St. Lazare and Luxembourg.

Shelley, Dorothy, 54, Austin nun.

Simpson, Elizabeth, 52, Conceptionist nun.

Slater, Edward, 36. One of the petitioners against the
muster of 20,000 National Guards near Paris, but
with a number of others retracted his signature, June
19, 1792. Liberated Oct. 13, 1794.

Sloper, ——, National Guard in the Sarthe. At Madelonnettes.
Liberated Oct. 25, 1794.

Smith, ——, Caday, widow of. At Plessis. Liberated
Nov. 16, 1794.

Smith, Elizabeth, wife of Cornet, 22. At St. Pélagie,
Oct. 10, 1793, to Oct. 17, 1794.

Smith, Elizabeth, wife of Jarnac; Irish. At Carmelites',
Feb. 4, 1793.

Smith, Margaret, wife of Thevenot, 49. At Luxembourg
and Austin convent, Oct. 15, 1793, to Oct. 25,

Smith, Peter, 31, baker. At Port Royal and Carmelites'.
Liberated Aug. 27, 1794.

Spack, Thomas, formerly partner with Knowles in the
Hotel Britannique. At Conciergerie, March 12, 1794.

Spicer, Catherine, 59, Austin lay sister.

Stafford Howard, Anastasia, 72, Conceptionist nun. Qy.
Lady Anastasia Stafford Howard (only surviving
child of William, Earl of Stafford), who died at Paris
1807, aged 84.

Stafford, Anne Mary, 68, Conceptionist nun.

Stanley, Thomas Francis, 59, watchmaker. Member of
the Luxembourg section, alleged to have appropriated
articles belonging to persons arrested by him. At