Page:Englishmen in the French Revolution.djvu/368

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Travis, Richard, 62. At Benedictines' and Luxembourg,
Oct. 11, 1793.

Trent, Mary, 72, and her niece Alice, 15, who gave herself
up in order to wait on her aunt. At Conceptionist
and Austin convents, Oct. 13, 1793.

Turner, John, 28, Benedictine. At St. Pélagie, Benedictines',
and Luxembourg, Sept. 16, 1793, to March
19, 1795.

Twadell, Robert, 25 (qy. Rev. Robert Tweddell, brother
of archaeologist), at Madelonnettes, Luxembourg, and
Scotch college. Liberated Jan. 18, 1795.

Vaughan, Benjamin, M.P., arrested by order of Committee
of General Safety. At Carmelites', June 2 to 30,
1794. See p. 93.

Walker, ——. Arrested for insurrection of Vendémiaire
(Oct. 1795); two days in prison. Probably the
Protestant gentleman who at the beginning of the
Revolution warmly pleaded for the British Catholic
communities, and contributed to their being (temporarily)
left undisturbed. See the Abbé Edgeworth's

Walpole, ——, Bataille, wife of. Liberated Sept. 12,

Walpole, Lady. At Carmelites', May 22, 1794. (Qy. Mrs.
Atkyns. See p. 125.)

Walsh, Comtesse Isidore Félicité Lottin, 29. At St.
Pélagie and Austin convent, March 9, 1794.

Walsh, John Baptist, superior of Irish college. Arrested
in March 1792 on an unfounded charge of passing a
forged note. Released with apologies after several
hours' detention with criminals.

Walsh, William, Irish medical student. At St. Pélagie,
Oct. 11, 1793, to Dec. 15, 1793.

Ward, General Thomas, 45. Arrested as a foreigner,
Oct. 10, 1793. At Abbaye and Carmelites'. Guillotined
July 23, 1794. See p. 176.

Wardell, William, 23, tradesman. At Luxembourg and
Scotch college, Oct. 28, 1793, to Nov. 2 1794.

Weld, ——. At Luxembourg and Irish college, Nov.
4, 1793.