Page:Englishmen in the French Revolution.djvu/375

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De Bathe, Sir James. See p. 267.

De Blaquiere, Hon. G., son of Lord de B. See p.

Don, Alexander. Escaped from Paris, 1810. See p. 275.

Donegal, Dowager Marchioness of. See p. 267.

Duncannon, Lord, son of Earl of Bessborough. Released.
See p. 266.

Dupré, William, of Jersey. Author of the "Lexicographia
Neologica Gallica," 1801.

Eardley (qy. Sir John Eardley Wilmot, 1774–1845).

Edwards, Colonel William, father of H. Milne Edwards.
Died at Paris 1823.

Elgin, Earl of. Released 1806. See p. 262.

Ferguson, ——, F.R.S., mineralogist. Published account
of meteorite seen by him at Geneva, April 15, 1804.
Released 1804.

Forbes, C. Interned at Tours.

Forbes, James, F.R.S., orientalist. Released. See p. 265.

Frisell, J. Fraser. See p. 277.

Goldsmith, Lewis. See p. 282.

Gower, Captain Leveson.

Greathead, Henry. See p. 266.

Green, William, M.P. for Dungarvan.

Hamilton, Alexander, orientalist. Released. See p. 265.

Hamilton, Hon. G., afterwards Viscount Boyne. At
Fontainebleau, 1803.

Hare, Sir Thomas. Allowed to return. See p. 266.

Harrington, Earl of. At Valenciennes.

Hendry, Robert. Released 1806. See p. 266.

Impey, Sir Elijah. Released. See p. 267.

Jodrell, Francis and Captain Thomas. Escaped from
Valenciennes, 1813. They waited on the commandant,
told him they withdrew their parole, and
then posted off. Francis was High Sheriff of
Cheshire, 1813.

Kydd, Stuart, jurist. Escaped. Died 1811. See
p. 267.

Lavie, Sir Thomas. See p. 278.

Lovaine, Lord, afterwards Duke of Northumberland
(1775-1867). See p. 272.