Page:Englishmen in the French Revolution.djvu/380

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Chenevix, R., 228, 2701

Cholmondeley, Lord and Lady, 105, 2523

Christie, Thomas, 789, 98

Churchill, Rev. W. H., 268

Clarendon, Lady, 252

Clarkson, Thomas, 84, 11516

Cobbett, William, 1245

Cockburn, Alexander, 274

Codrington, Sir W., 40, 148, 9

Coghill, Sir J., 276

Coigley, James, 164

Coll, Sir William, 261

Collow, Thomas, 224

Combe, Alderman, 245

Concanon, Richard, 279

Constable, Edward, 331

Conyngham, Lord and Lady, 2523

Cooper, Thomas, 458, 98

Coquerel, vide Williams, Cecilia, Corby, 130

Cornwallis, Lord, 254

Cosway, Mrs., 251

Cotes, Captain James, 232

Craufurd, Sir James, 2734

Craufurd, Quintin, 1212

Crespigny, P. de, 275

Croft, Sir H., 26970

Crofton, Lady and Miss, 251

Cumberland, Duchess of, 251

Daer, Lord, 84

Damer, Mrs., 107, 251, 261

Davies, Captain, 228

Davy, Sir H., 269

Dayrell, E. and Mrs., 2378

De Bathe, Sir J., 267

De Blaquiere. G., 278

Delany, Thomas, 17980

Devonshire, Duke and Duchess of, 105

Dillon, General A., 132, 1715,

Dillon, General Theobald, 175

Digney-Ffytche, 124

Don, Alexander, 275

Donegal, Lady, 267

Dorset, Duke of, 7, 9, 257

Dorset, Duchess of, 248

Duplessis-Smith, 201

Duroure, Scipio, 199200

Dutton, 282

Ebrington, Lord, 243, 260

Eden, v. Auckland.

Edwards, Bryan, 50, 224

Edwards, George, 53

Edgeworth, Abbé, 1348, 248

Edgeworth, Elizabeth, 156

Edgeworth, R. L. and Maria,

Egremont, Lord, 252

Elgin, Lord, 2623

Eliot, Charles, 213

Elliot, Hugh, 36

Elliott, Grace Dalrymple, 30, 1467

Ely, Lord, 252

Emmet, Robert, 253

Erskine, Lord, 85, 2445

Este, Rev. Charles, 228

Falkland, Lord, 252

Ferguson, R. Cutlar, 31

Ferguson, —— F.R.S., 267

Ferris, Richard, 1678

Fitzgerald, Lord E., 64, 98

Fitzgerald, Pamela, 64

Fitzgerald, Lord R., 278

Fitzpatrick, General, 243

Fitzsimons, Gerard, 165

Flood, 130

Forbes, James, 265

Foster, Lady, 2512

Fox, C. J., 65, 734, 98, 142, 193, 242, 244, 251, 264

Fox, General, 243

Foxlowe, 222

Frampton, James, 109

French and Johnston, 223

Freeman-Shepherd, Mrs., 546

Frisell, J. Fraser, 11415, 277