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their "light" pastry Bereks, it is as fattening as it is appetising.

One afternoon "the Pasha" joined us to pay visits to the houses surrounding his kiosk. We made a strange party: the Ghazi Pasha and his aide-de-camp, the Englishwoman, and a big white ram! The magnificent goats of Anatolia follow one about and welcome caresses such as we lavish on a pet dog. The Armenians weave handsome shawls from their silky hair. Angora is also famous for its cats and its rabbits.

Mustapha Kemal Pasha Walking in the Grounds of Tchan-Kaya.

Naturally, the "veiled" tenants stood in too great awe of their Pasha to say much, so we first walked on to inspect the new family of a favourite dog, then visited another happy family of geese and chickens and the horses! Like many Orientals, M. Kemal is over-merciful to his beasts, who are apt to grow fat and lazy from insufficient exercise.