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defence of Turkey by giving us extensive extracts from these writers in English. The greatest of all our living scholars in Turkish, Persian, and Arabic, he has devoted his whole life to the fascinating subject; and Prince Samad Khan has told me that he lectures in Persian without the trace of an accent.

Graciously writing a Preface to my "Englishwoman in a Turkish Harem," he said that as "a friend and admirer of the Turks, as well as a student of their language and literature, it is always a satisfaction to me to find a fresh opportunity of testifying to my belief in the virtues of this much-maligned and ill-used race."

Recent events, however, seem to have paralysed his enthusiasm, bringing depression that killed his zeal for the task he now felt it would be of no avail to pursue.

The Nationalist victory, let us hope, will encourage him to resume work with a revived, and ever greater, enthusiasm. I had intended, indeed, to ask him for a summary of the "Nationalist Literary Revival," by way of a chapter in this book. But there was not time to presume so far on the kindness he has never refused to show.

I have, therefore, reproduced, to the best of my ability, a few notes put together for me by that distinguished Professor, Hussein Raghib Bey, formerly Director of the Angora Press, and now Charge d'Affaires at the Paris Embassy. He is an exceptionally well-informed critic in the education, literature and politics of his own country, which travel also enables him to compare with the educational systems of Europe. He told me that, while he admired the thoroughness of German methods, he could not tolerate their unjust administration of corporal punishment, which, in his judgment, vitiated the whole system. Turkish schools have all adopted French methods; and, myself a proud pupil of the École Normale Superieure de Sévres, I do not believe there is any finer instruction in the world. But in the fullest sense of real and complete education, the best work is being done in