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union with the Greek Church against the followers of the Prophet? Only the Roman Church has lived in perfect harmony in Turkey? The only Christians to praise and honour the Moslem faith!

One must come from an audience in the Vatican with sealed lips.

But when humanity is waiting for understanding and kindness; when, above all, the East is asking: "Can we trust the West?" it is impossible to remain altogether silent concerning the Holy Father of Rome.

Turkey has been insulted, despised, and deceived by Christendom. Despite her utmost tolerance to every faith, she has been betrayed by those to whom she was most indulgent. Missionaries she welcomed in Christ's name, as messengers of His love to all men, have used their sacred privileges to organise enemy propaganda.

Therefore will I bear witness: there is a father's heart on Peter's hrone; a father anxious for all his children, suffering; and with no crusade to urge against Islam, also sons of God and brothers of Christ! For him there is one "enemy," and only one: the "Materialism" that is poisoning our civilisations; nourishing our pride, our jealousy, and our hate; threatening our faith.

Is this "indiscretion"? Yet how is it possible to express one's personal impressions of an audience with the Sovereign Pontif! All the literatures of the world have dedicated immortal pages to the Father of Christendom. They have paid homage to him, if not as spiritual head, at least as a great and picturesque personality; and, above all, a personality backed by the traditions of ages.

Dumas, in his beautifully written interview with Pope Gregory XVI., describes his terror at the thought of meeting the Pope. To-day such a sentiment is no longer possible. Awe and reverence have taken the place of terror. Excommunication has lost all the meaning it had in the Middle Ages. And yet, deprived