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each other; we need England and England needs us, if only to pacify those Moslem people whom England's injustice to us has roused to righteous anger against her.

"A strong Anglo-Turkish alliance would mean not only peace in the Near East and for Islam; it means peace for the whole world."

People have asked me "Why did Lausanne fail?"

I answer: "It did not fail. It would have been failure had Ismet Pasha signed, at the pistol's point, a treaty that could not be ratified. He knew that the Assembly would never sign the terms offered by the Powers; and, as I told Lord Curzon, he had to consult his colleagues in Angora. It would hinder peace, not promote it, to sign with no security for ratification."

As Ismet said, "We have purchased our Anatolia with the blood and money of her peasants. We can die, but we cannot betray them."
