Page:Enoch Arden, etc - Tennyson - 1864.djvu/113

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Would darken, as he cursed his credulousness,
And that one unctuous mount which lured him, rogue,
To buy strange shares in some Peruvian mine.
Now seaward-bound for health they gain’d a coast,
All sand and cliff and deep-inrunning cave,
At close of day; slept, woke, and went the next,
The Sabbath, pious variers from the church,
To chapel; where a heated pulpiteer,
Not preaching simple Christ to simple men,
Announced the coming doom, and fulminated
Against the scarlet woman and her creed:
For sideways up he swung his arms, and shriek’d
‘Thus, thus with violence,’ ev’n as if he held
The Apocalyptic millstone, and himself
Were that great Angel; ‘Thus with violence
Shall Babylon be cast into the sea;
Then comes the close.’ The gentle-hearted wife
Sat shuddering at the ruin of a world;
He at his own: but when the wordy storm
Had ended, forth they came and paced the shore,