Page:Enoch Arden, etc - Tennyson - 1864.djvu/52

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Amazed and melted all who listen’d to it:
And clothes they gave him and free passage home;
But oft he work’d among the rest and shook
His isolation from him. None of these
Came from his country, or could answer him,
If question’d, aught of what he cared to know.
And dull the voyage was with long delays,
The vessel scarce sea-worthy; but evermore
His fancy fled before the lazy wind
Returning, till beneath a clouded moon
He like a lover down thro’ all his blood
Drew in the dewy meadowy morning-breath
Of England, blown across her ghostly wall:
And that same morning officers and men
Levied a kindly tax upon themselves,
Pitying the lonely man, and gave him it:
Then moving up the coast they landed him,
Ev’n in that harbour whence he sail’d before.

There Enoch spoke no word to any one,