Page:Enough Rope - Parker - 1926.djvu/106

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NOW this is the story of Lucy Brown,
A glittering jewel in virtue’s crown.
From earliest youth, she aspired to please.
She never fell down and dirtied her knees;
She put all her pennies in savings banks;
She never omitted her “please” and “thanks”;
She swallowed her spinach without a squawk;
And patiently listened to Teacher’s talk;
She thoughtfully stepped over worms and ants;
And earnestly watered the potted plants;
She didn’t dismember expensive toys;
And never would play with the little boys.

And when to young womanhood Lucy came
Her mode of behavior was just the same.
She always was safe in her home at dark;
And never went riding around the park;
She wouldn’t put powder upon her nose;
And petticoats sheltered her spotless hose;
She knew how to market and mend and sweep;
By quarter-past ten, she was sound asleep;
In presence of elders, she held her tongue—
The way that they did when the world was young.
And people remarked, in benign accord,
“You’ll see that she gathers her just reward.”
