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arrived at the town of Lublin, and crossed the Vistula over masses of ice. Finally, having arrived at the Polish frontier, where, the feld-jager having delivered him his passport, they parted with mutual congratulations on their respective liberations. He had been eight days on the road since passing Moscow, with only a few hours' repose during that time; and as the vehicle he had hired drove into Cracow, the driver aroused him from a profound slumber. From Cracow he repaired to Vienna, returning once more by way of Prague, Toplitz, Dresden, Leipzig, and Berlin, to Hanover and Bremen, whence he set sail for England. Holman finally landed in Hull, after an absence of three years.


The astonishing progress recently made by our Australian colonies renders it difficult to conceive that, even up to the close of the last century, its coasts were unexplored, and a very large proportion altogether unknown to Europeans. In the year 1788, Captain, afterwards Admiral Philip, arrived at Botany Bay in the brig "Supply," followed by the "Syrius," with six sail of transports and three store-ships, the object of the expedition being to establish a colony at that port, which, however, was afterwards abandoned for Port Jackson. Some trifling surveys were made by the ex-