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Longitude and the Academy of Sciences, those valuable observations which he had preserved through so many troubles and dangers. A few days after his arrival, on the 18th of September, 1809, he was nominated an Academician in the place of Lalande; and the illustrious astronomer refers in his memoir with pride to the fact that this honour was conferred upon him at twenty-three years of age.


Even within the present century piracy was not uncommon within a few days' sail of our own shores, and in the Mediterranean and on the coast of Africa, pirates frequently carried on their depredations with impunity. This is strikingly illustrated by the story of two sailors, the sole survivors of a crew of twenty-four men belonging to the English vessel called the "St. Helena," which was captured by pirates off the island of that name, about thirty years since. The vessel was sailing in full daylight, when a ship under Portuguese colours hove in sight. The stranger bore down on the "St. Helena," and a boat with persons dressed as officers came alongside, and asked permission to come on board. The strangers behaved with great courtesy, and while inspecting the ship the chief of the party asked leave of the captain of the "St. Helena" for his second in command to come and see the ship also. Permission being