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Mr. Sandford's. When they were within a little of the houſe, Tommy ſaw Harry driving his father's ſheep home. He ran haſtily to meet him, and a reconciliation immediately took place.

Tommy, with the ſincereſt gratitude and affection, took his leave of his friend Harry, and of all the reſt of the family. "It will not be long before I ſhall ſee you again," ſaid he to Harry, "for to your example I owe the little good I have to boaſt of. You have made me ſenſible, how much better it is to be uſeful than to be rich or fine; and that it is more amiable to be good than great."

Tommy and Harry then moſt affectionately embraced each other, ſhed the tear of ſincere friendſhip, and then parted; when Mr. Merton conducted his ſon home highly gratified.