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read and write, and was always happy when young Harry was with him. Little Harry was an obliging creature, and cheerfully ſubmitted to do whatever he was bidden; and was ſo much attached to truth, that he abhorred telling a lie on any occaſion.

Accident happened to bring him and Tommy Merton together. The latter was one morning walking in the fields with his female attendant, when a large ſnake ruſhed from its concealed abode, and twined, itſelf round one of the legs of poor Tommy. Harry, who happened to be at a little diſtance, ſaw all that paſſed, and inſtantly running to his aſſiſtance, ſeized the ſnake, and relieved Tommy from his terror. Mrs. Merton hearing the ſhricks of the maid, ran with half the family, to the aſſiſtance of her darling ſon, and finding he had received no injury from the cruel animal, inquired in what manner he had got rid of it. "Indeed mamma, ſaid Tommy, had not that little boy come to my aſſiſtance, I fear the naſty creature would have bitten me."

"Pray, my dear, ſaid the lady, whoſe good boy are you, to whom I am