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ed with an agreement between Mr. Merton and his wife, that their ſon Tommy ſhould be put under the care of the ſame maſter as Harry. Mr. Barlow was accordingly invited the next Sunday to dinner, when Mr. Merton introduced the ſubject, and Tommy's parents delivered him into the hands of this good man, to tutor him as he thought beſt.


WE have now brought Tommy to the vicarage, which was about two miles from his father's houſe, to undergo a very material change in his temper and diſpoſition. The next morning after breakfaſt, Mr. Barlow conducted him and Harry into the garden. He then took a ſpade himſelf, gave a hoe to Harry, and they both began their work. Tommy was invited to join them in their labour, but he rejected with contempt an offer which, he thought, was more proper to be made to a plough-boy than to a young gentleman of his fortune.

Mr. Barlow and Harry worked about two hours in the garden, and afterwards retiring to a ſummerhouſe, he took a