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Altho' of a middle ſtature, he is remarkable for the breadth of his ſhoulders; his eyes, of a deep blue, are ſmall but animated; his hair brown, his forehead large and prominent; his his chin ſharp, his face long, and his complexion olive; the general expreſion of his countenance does not ſtrike at firſt ſight, but in obſerving him with attention, you readily diſtinguiſh the traces of deep thinking, and the vivacity of his looks indicate energy and activity.

His withdrawing from the ſociety of his comrades, had given a rudeneſs, perhaps a ferocity, to his manners and ſubject to violent paſſion, his anger againſt his young companions ſometimes amounted even to fury: the inſtance I am going to repeat is moſt characteriſtic.

Every year, on the 25th of Auguſt, the day of St. Louis, the pupils of the Military School, in honour of the King, were permitted, almoſt without reſtraint, to give themſelves up to pleaſure, and the moſt noiſy demonſtrations of joy. Every ſpecies of puniſument was ſuſpended during that happy day: and it is eaſy to forſee, that it could ſeldom paſs, without being attended by ſome accident: but, without blaming or excuſing that too great indulgence of our maſters I will only recount that of which I was an eye-witneſs.