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Madame de Bonaparte, his mother, (hand some as they say) had attracted the atten- tion of the Count de Marbœuf. named by Louis XV, to- the government of Corsica ; and it is to him that malice ascrirbes the honour of the hero’s birth. Should this be true, it would give force to the world’s wild opinion, which inclines to bestow on children, the offspring of unlawful love, a more decided and manly character.— However that may be, the Count de Mar- bœuf had given many testimonies of |friend- ship and good-will towards the family of Bonaparte; and had particularly taken on himself the care ot the young man, whom he had a long time assisted with his credit and his purse In 1788 the Count had designed to send his young protege to France, with,the view of giving him an education suitable to his birth, and neces- sary to his future establishment.

France, under the ancient government, and more particularly under the reign of Louis XV. an i of Louis XVI. had formed establishments for the education of gentle- men of small fortune ; and the munificence of the kings had spared nothing to render them, at the same time, useful and agree- able to young men These institutions, called Ecoles Royales Militaries were to the number of thirteen, and established in different provinces of the kingdom ; that of