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230 EPIGBAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. Vt. (V. 71.) • Dakshi^AmArfci'Bliatta, a wise Br&hmana of AJJ&r, 1 Krishna-Dvaipayana Tajvan, Jannaya Rifcvij of V6da-Kdmbura»* (and) the two persons named Arulala, who were born at Kirftnji, 1 together with Rama, born at T&naka. These were written down as the only witnesses of (this) pious gift. Let the best of kings and the devotees of Siva protect this grant !




By H. Luders, Ph.D.; Gottingen.

Inked estampages of this inscription 4 were sent to me by Dr. Hultzsoh through Prof. Kielhorn with the following note : " On four faces of a pillar near the agrahdra at Kondnridiu The pillar is supported on two sides (north and south) by stones which made it impossible to copy and ink the top lines of the inscription in full." 5 The inscription contains 166 lines of writing. The average site of the letters is f. — The alphabet is Telugu and, with few exceptions, resembles that of the Mangalagiri inscription.* Several times ha appears here in the old form ; see e.g. 1L 8, 6, 15, 16, SO, 43, 118, 145 (ka) 27, 111 (hd) ; 142, 146 (hi) ; 11 (U) ; 17, 157 (hu) ; 7 (fcrt); 11 (M) ; 142 (Jehu), while such forms as ha in 11. 7, 64, few in 1. 46, hi in 1. 92, hau in 1. 39, may be called transitional. The sha occasionally shows the younger form occurring also in the Vanapalli plates ; see 11. 69 (sha) ; 24 (shfha) ; 33 (kshmd). La appears throughout in the form of the Bitragunta grant and the Vanapalli plates. In dha the ottu is used only in dhi in 1. 19 (vdrdm nidhir), dhi in 1. 72, and in the subscript dh of dhdha in 1. 34. But in gha and fh* it is used quite regularly, and in bha it is only missing in bh&, bhu, bho in 1. 163, and in bhri in 11. 5, 59 and bhyd in L 7 on account of the subscript sign. In the groups rma, rya and rva the full sign of r is generally used, but in ryti in 1. 20 and rmmyai in U. 28, 92 it appears in the secondary form, as in all other combinations, and in rvS in 1. 168 and rma in 1. 165 it is expressed both by the full and the secondary sign.— The language is Sanskrit from the beginning to 1. 108, and again from the middle of 1. 162 to the end. The rest is in Telugu.? With exception of the concluding words 6rt M M in 1. 108, the Sanskrit portion is in verse, whereas the Telugu portion is in prose throughout. — The orthography calls for few remarks. In the interior of a word fc, g, ch, t, d and t>, if followed by a vowel, are generally doubled after anuwdra ; exceptions are iamhw (1. 20), -dmhwah (1. 21), -dmka (1. 34), saptdrkgi- (1. 29), pamchd- (1. 107), mamddra (1. 12), Maithdavdlum (1. 102), and several words in the Telugu portion (see for mh 11. 127, 145 ; mg fl. 113, 115, 130, 141, 156, 158 ; tick U. 117, 118, 119, 145, 158, 157 ; ikd 11. Ill, 121, 135). d also is doubled in trikhamtfa (1. 76), Kork44^UKti) (U. 98, 111), and dh in bamdhdhu*hu (1. 40), -drurhdhdhatl (1. 41) ; compare also chirkttapamdhdhu for °pam4u in 1. 134. tr is written ttr 1 A village of the tame name U mentioned in two inscriptions at Manimaogalam ; South-Jnd. Inter, Vol. III. pp. 78 and 74. It maybe identical with 'Allnr' in the Mndurantakam taluka between the ' Perumbair ' and

  • Olakur ' railway stations.
  • Compare Dvedai-Komburam in 8<wth-I*d. Inter. Vol. II. p. 959 and note 3.

< The same place is mentioned in an inscription at Tirnkkalakkunram ; South- I*d, Inter. Vol. III. p. 168*

  • No* 242 of the Government Eptgraphistfs collection for the year 1892.
  • This defect is not very serious, as the few missing ahtharat in 11. 87-89 can easily be replaced from other


  • 8ee my remarks, above, p. 108 f .

7 The text and translation of the Telugu portioa have been contributed by Mr. H. Krishna. Sastrv Digitized by Google