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Episodes before Thirty

apologized. Boyde, he told me, had swindled him even more completely than he had swindled me.

The search in the station made me sick at heart; every pocket was turned out; there was 80 dollars in cash; the sergeant used filthy language. Boyde was taken down to a cell, and I, as a newspaper reporter, was allowed to go down with him. I stayed for two hours, talking through the bars.

It was two in the morning when the sergeant turned me out after a dreadful conversation, and when I reached home, to find Kay sitting up anxiously still, I was too exhausted, from cold, excitement and hunger, to tell him more than a bare outline of it all. I had to appear at eight o'clock next morning and make my formal charge against Boyde, in the Tombs Police Court—the Tombs, of all places!—and with that thought in my mind I fell asleep.