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Episodes before Thirty

The Tombs City Prison,,
     Centre Street, N. Y.

Please read through before destroying it.

I have begged another sheet of paper and stamp in order to make one final appeal.

Will you not come down again on receipt of this? Please do, for God's sake. No visitors are allowed on New Year's Day, or on Sunday. New Year's Day! What a new year's day for me! Let me begin it afresh. I have a favour to ask you which I must ask you verbally; I cannot put it on paper. It is getting dark; so once more I ask you, I implore you, to have mercy on me for my mother's sake. For her sake spare

Arthur B.

Visiting hours 10-2. I am speaking the truth and nothing but the truth when I say that I am sincerely sorry for all that I have done and implore your pardon. This is not an insincere expression, but one from my heart. Come down again, please, even to speak to me, for you don't know the mental agony I

am suffering.

A. B.

Tombs City Prison,,
     New Year's Day.

It was more than kind of you to come all the way down here and then after all not be able to see me; not much loss to you, it is true, but a bitter disappointment to me. Palmer came down and talked very kindly to me and instilled a little hope in me. But this is a wretched New Year's Day.

I was talking to an old convict this morning, a man who in his life has been about sixteen years in jail, and he said that if he had only been let off in the first instance with a few days in here, he would have been a different man to-day, but after serving one term he became reckless and has now become a notorious thief. As I said to you, think of me after 20 years' penal servitude.

Blackwood, won't you and Palmer stay your hands once more? I will leave the country, and if ever I should return you could always have me arrested. I will never trouble you again. Let me make a fresh start once more.

Should you decide not to press the charge you can go to the District Attorney's Office and inform them of the fact.

I once more implore you and Palmer to have pity on me, and please come and see me! May I wish you and Palmer a bright and happy New Year, brighter and happier than the past


Arthur B.

Many thanks for the paper and envelopes. Bless you!