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Episodes before Thirty

A dozen years before, aged 12, I had once been accused of stealing by the headmaster of the private school I adorned in Sevenoaks. I was innocent, but the evidence was both ludicrous and damning, so damning, indeed, that, strangely, I felt guilty and accepted the punishment. A terrifying experience, it haunted me for years, and the sight of a policeman, or the words "criminal judge," sent shivers down my spine long afterwards. When a little older, I came to suspect that it was worked up against me by the master to curry favour with an influential parent; but at the actual time I had visions even of prison--for something I had not done. All about a poem, too!

At evening "prep" a "bit of poetry," as we called it, had to be learnt by heart; my own poetry book was lost; I borrowed young Gildea's. The last thing in the world I wanted to own was that poetry book of young Gildea, the last thing I wanted to do was to learn that poem by heart. I spent the hour, therefore, inscribing my name with elaborate flourishes on the title page. Twice I wrote it, with capitals, of which I was very proud; I thought it ornate and beautiful; and when the hour was over I tossed the book into my locker and forgot all about it. Next morning I was summoned into the headmaster's presence. He wore red whiskers about an otherwise clean-shaven face: a face of natural sternness, with a big nose, a mouth of iron, and steely blue eyes. He was a clergyman of evangelical persuasion.

I had no idea why I had been summoned, but his glance made me at once feel uneasy.

"Blackwood minor," he said in a solemn and portentous voice, "did you do--this?" He held out Gildea's poetry book towards me with the cover open. His finger pointed to my name in pencil, flourishes and all.

I was completely puzzled as to what was coming, but I admitted the signature of course.

"Is the book yours?" he asked. I said it was not. "Gildea has reported the loss of his own copy," the voice

of doom went on. "It has been found--in your locker--