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Blackwood, Algernon, five months on Lake Rosseau, 73 et seq.
free-lance journalism, 252, 274
friendship with a dying doctor, 58 et seq.
his mother's letters, 258
improvises accompaniment to "Invocation to Opium," 168
interviews a lion, 102
interviews in Tombs prison cell before trial, 101
learns French, 37
literary apprenticeship of, 6
loses faith in mankind, and a regretted act, 210 et seq.
maiden speech of, 5, 291
off to the goldfields, 235 et seq.
on staff of Evening Sun, 91
parents of, 17, 18, 21 et seq.
partner in dairy concern, 10 et seq.
pawnbroking experiences, 88, 110, 120, 252
plays in Drinkwater's "Oliver Cromwell," 256
poses in studios, 44, 158
reads Patanjali's "Yoga Aphorisms," 28 et seq.
receives a visit from Pauline, 152
reports a raid on a quasi lunatic asylum, 226
reports Dr. Lyman Abbott's sermons, 292 et seq.
resumes duties on Evening Sun, 209
returns from Muskoka lakes, 78
returns to England, 304
secretary to James Speyer, 297 et seq.
tackles Boyde re a forged cheque, 138 et seq.
talks with Boyde in his cell at Tombs prison, 202
teaches French, 5, 7
translates French stories, 102, 124, 128, 129
unhappy days in New York, 288
visited by a banker: further disclosures concerning Boyde, 148
visits of an eccentric German doctor, 116, 120, 125
Blackwood, Algernon,visits winter quarters of Barnum and Bailey's circus, 226
warned against Boyde, 112, 135, 136, 147
warns a pastor's daughter against Boyde, 139
"Whitey's" useful hints to, 96, 97, 98
why an opening in C.P.R. did not eventuate, 66 et seq.
works by, 53, 78, 102, 123, 163, 182, 223, 224, 252
Blackwood, Sir Arthur (father), a disregarded counsel of perfection of, 76
and the Hub venture, 40
death of, 35, 231
farewell to author, 40
fêted in New York, 5
marriage of, 21
religious and temperance views of, 17, 18, 21 et seq., 30
Bond, Bligh, his "Gate of Remembrance," 228
Bookkeeping, author's frank opinion of, 298
Borden, Lizzie, interview with, 100
Bostock's Circus, a lion escapes from: reporting the episode, 102 et seq.
Boyde, Arthur Glyn, an echo of, 299
arrest of, 198
author's attachment to, 108, 111
committed for trial to General Sessions, 201
communicates with Sir A. Blackwood, 202
confessions of, 139, 144, 206
disguises himself, 160
duplicity of, 132, 138 et seq., 149, 160, 206, 207, 211
his varied experience of New York, 86 et seq.
hunt for, 182 et seq.
last sight of, 207
letters to author from Tombs prison, 203 et seq.
meeting with, 86
sentenced, 203
telegraphs news of his marriage, 151