Page:Epitaphs for country churchyards.djvu/36

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Epitaphs for Country Churchyards.

On a Mother and her Infants.

"From God they came, to God they went again;
No sin they knew, and knew but little pain;
And here they lie, by their fond mother's side,
Who liv'd to love and lose them,—then she died."

Hartley Coleridge.

"Those whom God loves die young!
They see no evil days;
No falsehood taints their tongue,
No wickedness their ways.

"Baptiz'd, and so made sure
To win their blest abode;
What could we pray for more?
They die, and are with God."


Rest in peace, my darling, rest,—
Thy body in its grassy grave;
Thy soul in realms of glory blest,—
The soul that Jesus died to save.
At rest we'll strive to think of thee,
Till once again in heaven we meet;
Our hearts to God in love we'll raise,
And lay our griefs at Jesu's feet.—A.