Page:Esperanto (The Universal Language).djvu/27

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Grammatical Terminations.

I final denotes always the infinitive. Ami, to love.
AS present tense. Mi amas, love.
IS past tense. Vi amis, you loved.
OS future tense. Ilo amos, they will love.
US conditional. Li amus, he should or would love.
U imperative. Amu, love; li amu, let him love.
ANTA[1] present participle (active). Aminta, loving.
INTA past participle (active). Aminta, having loved.
ONTA future participle (active). Amonta, about to love.
ATA present participle (passive). Amata, being loved.
ITA past participle (passive). Amita, having been loved.
OTA future participle (passive). Amota, about to be loved.
O noun. Patro, father.
A adjective. Patra, paternal.
A adjective. Patra, paternal.
E adverb. Patre, paternally.
J plur. Bonaj patroj, good fathers.
N objective (accusative) case, and the direction towards which one goes. Mitrovis la libron, I found the book. Ŝi irus Londonon, she goes to London.

  1. The final "A: of participles is changed to "E" when used adverbally, as amante, by (or in) loving.