Page:Esperanto (The Universal Language).djvu/34

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La bonaj patroj, la belaj patrinoj kaj la junaj filoj (plur.).
The good fathers, the beautiful mothers and the young sons.

2. If an adjective qualifies or refers to a noun in the objective case such adjective must also take the sign of that case, "n," as:

Mi trovis junan birdon en la ĝardeno.
I found a young bird in the garden.
Mi aĉetis du carmajn librojn.
I bought two charming books.

3. The adjective may precede or follow the noun it qualifies, as:

Mi havas novan ĉapelon, or mi havas ĉapelon novan, I have a new hat.

4. As already stated, participial adjectives, that is participles used as adjectives, follow the above rules.

Amanta amiko, a loving friend. Amantaj amikoj, loving friends.

Adjectives must never be used as adverbs, nor adverbs as adjectives.

Comparison of Adjectives.

1. Adjectives are compared as follows:

The comparative of equality is, tielkiel, as—as. (1).

The comparative of superiority is, pliol, more—than. (2).

The comparative of inferiority is, malpliol, less— than. (3).

Vi estas tiel forta kiel li. You are as strong as he. (1).

Vi estas pli forta ol li. You are stronger than he (2).