Page:Essays Upon The Making Of Salt-Petre And Gun-Powder.pdf/6

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Great Inspections, and under the direction of persons qualified by their skill and diligence to bring this important business to a speedy and successful issue.

To the Assemblies and Conventions of the other colonies, it is recommended immediately to put in practice such other mode of making Salt-Petre, as may be found best adapted to their respective circumstances.

That all persons may be encouraged to apply themselves to the manufacture of Salt-petre, it is recommended to the several Assemblies and Conventions, to buy up, on account of the United Colonies, all the good and merchantable Salt-petre, at half a dollar for each pound, that is, or shall be made in their respective colonies before the first day of October, 1776.

It is recommended, that the collecting Sulphur be encouraged:---And it is recommended to the several Provincial Conventions, to grant such premiums, for the refining of Sulphur in their respective Provinces, as may be judged proper.

And it is further recommended to the several Assemblies and Conventions, that they cause mills to be erected and skilful persons to be procured and employed for making Gun-powder.

As Salt-petre is an article so necessary for defence, and in other respects so extensively useful, it is an object that not only requires the public patronage, but demands the attention of individuals: The following systems or methods of making Salt-petre, suited to different circumstances and different materials, is recommended to the attent-tion