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Book.   Date B.C.    
IV. 17—20 425 Lacedaemonian Envoys to the Athenian Ecclesia.*
59—64 424 Hermocrates in the Sicilian Congress at Gela.
85—87 Brasidas to the Acanthians.
V. 85—116 416 Conference between Athenian and Melian negotiators.
VI. 9—14 415 Nicias
to the Athenian Ecclesia.
16—18 Alcibiades
20—23 Nicias
33—34 Hermocrates
to the Syracusan Assembly.
36—40 Athenagoras
41 A Syracusan General
76—80 Hermocrates as Envoy of Syracuse
at Camarina.
82—86 Euphemus as Envoys of Athens
89—92 Alcibiades at Sparta.

Military Harangues.
II. 11 431 Archidamus to the Peloponnesian Officers before invading Attica.
87 429 Peloponnesian Commanders to their crews
before an action in the Corinthian Gulf.
89 Phormio to the men of the Athenian Fleet
IV. 10 425 Demosthenes to his troops at Pylos.
92 424 Pagondas to the Boeotian troops
before the battle of Delium.
95 Hippocrates to the Athenian troops
126 423 Brasidas to his troops on the campaign against Arrhibaeus.
V. 9 422 Brasidas to his troops before the battle at Amphipolis.
VI. 68 415 Nicias to his troops before the first battle at Syracuse.