Page:Essays in Historical Criticism.djvu/323

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as first published by him in The Facijic, 1865, 9-15; proofs that it was new in 1864, 15-23, 102; makes no reference to Whitman's having "saved" Oregon before 1864, 17; unaware in 1846 that Oregon had been "saved," 18-19; garbles docu- ments, 61-62; proofs of his untruth- fulness, 62-63; his memorial to Congress, 100-101.

Sparks, E. E., 49.

Sparks, J., 252 n.

"Sphere, enlarge the," Madison's use of, 136,

Stanyan, J., 167.

Stenzel, 248, 272.

Stern, A., 259 n.

Stevens, I. I., Gov. of Washington Ter- ritory, on Whitman, 20.

Stockton, R., his list of authors of The Federalist, 128 n.

Stubbs, 259.

Strauss, D. F., on Ranke, 257 n.

Stuckenberg, 255 n.

Sybel, Von, on Ranke's Seminary, 273.

" Syllabus of The Federalist," 154-156.

Temple, Sir W., 116, 167.

Thierry, Aug., 245 n., 278.

Thomas, A, C, 48.

Thompson, D. P., reports Lovejoy's

account of Whitman, 108-109. Thornton, J. Quinn, 35 n. Tordesillas, Treaty of, 202. Transylvanus, Max., on Magellan's

voyage, 206. Treat, S. B., Secretary of the A. B. C.

F. M., on C. Eells' letter and on

Whitman's journey, 25 ; tells the

Spalding story at the meeting of the

Am. Board in 1866, 26. Trist, N. P., 229 ; recalled, 230 ; makes

treaty, 237. Tyler, L. G., 43 ; on Whitman, 80.


Ulloa, A. de, on Demarcation Line, 213.

Vassal Moi-ton, Parkman's novel, 279,

283. Venetian Relations, 251 ff.; influence

of, on Ranke's style, 252. Victor, Mrs. F. F., 36 n. ; quoted, 28,

34; interview with H. H. Spalding,

36 n., 37 ; on Spalding's appeal to Dr.

Craighead, 81 n. ; contributions to

Bancroft's History of the Facijic

States, 36 n. Von Hoist, 35.


Waitz, G., 270 ; on historical semina- ries, 265 n. ; on Ranke's, 273-274.

Walker, E., 19, 23 ; diary and letter of, on Whitman's journey, 56-58 ; on Spalding's falsehood, 63 n.

Webster, Daniel, fictitious interview of, with Whitman, first printed in 1864, 15 ; earliest version, 101-103 ; account of, in Spalding's arts., 13, 14; ficti- tious character proved, 82-84 ; alleged tribute to Whitman, 82 n.

Weed, G. L., 53.

White, Elijah, M.D., letters garbled by Spalding, 61-62 ; his commission, 67 ; conducts emigration of 1 842, 67 ; 75 ; confused with Whitman, 96-97.

Whitinan, John, Descendants of, 43 n.

Whitman, Marcus, M. D., enlists as missionary to Oregon Indians, 3 ; legend of, summary of, 6-7 ; true history of, 99,-100 ; narratives of Spalding and Gray, 9-15; alleged causes of his journey examined, 67- 68 ; real cause, 55 ; his real errand in Washington, 77-78 ; was without significance or results, 78-79 ; silence of contemporaries, 79-81 ; why he went there first, 98-99 ; his own ac- count of his journey, 86 ; of his plans, 87 ; his subsequent views of what he accomplished, 97-98 ; his fictitious interview with Webster, first pub- li.shed in 1864, 15, 102-103; vouched for by Gray under oath, 32 n. ; rela- tion to the emigration of 1843, 89- 97 ; confused with Dr. White, 96-97 ; obituary sketch of, in Missionary