loading, and when it was over hastened on to Michael Eady's for the glue. Eady and his assist- ant were both "down street," and young Denis, who seldom deigned to take their place, was lounging by the stove with a knot of the golden youth of Starkfield. They hailed Ethan with ironic compliment and offers of conviviality; but no one knew where to find the glue. Ethan, con- sumed with the longing for a last moment alone with Mattie, hung about impatiently while Denis made an ineffectual search in the obscurer cor- ners of the store.
"Looks as if we were all sold out. But if you'll wait around till the old man comes along maybe he can put his hand on it."
"I'm obliged to you, but I'll try if I can get it down at Mrs. Roman's," Ethan answered, burn- ing to be gone.
Denis's commercial instinct compelled him to aver on oath that what Eady's store could not produce would never be found at the widow Homan's; but Ethan, heedless of this boast, had already climbed to the sledge and was driving on to the rival establishment. Here, after con- siderable search, and sympathetic questions as to