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such is the force of example, that I doubt not it will do by me as its predecessors have done."

"Truly," cried Lady Mary, "the last new comedy that I saw in Paris must have modelled its hero from you: let me recommend you to adopt two of its lines as your motto:—

'J'ai l'esprit parfait—du moins je le crois;
Et je rends grace au Dieu de m'avoir créé—moi!'

"It is very flattering to be so appreciated," answered Lord Hervey, with the most perfect nonchalance.

"What an affecting thing," said Lady Mary, "was the death of Lord Carleton! He died as he lived, holding one hand of the fair Duchess of Queensberry; who, with the other, was feeding him with chicken. What an example he gave to his sex! he was equally liberal with his diamonds and his affections."

"L'un vaut bien l'autre" said Lady Marchmont.