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I did not laugh—I admired the design—I sympathised with the professor's honourable ambition, but suggested a remedy. "A man of your genius," I said, "should despise the beaten track: all you can do with your giants is to have them a little larger than others have had. Invent something fresh—a hint is all that is needed by a man like yourself. Why not introduce pigmies? let us have some mythological device, executed in an exquisite style."

"Madame est un ange de bonté! je comprends—mais c'est ravissant! My rivals shall die! Yes, we will have the marriage of Peleus and Thetis in the temple of Solomon. Je vois tout ce qu'il y a de grand dans votre idée. De temple shall be of fine spun sugar, and Hymen shall hold a littel torch of scented flame: then de apple flung by de goddess Discord shall be gold."

"Rather ominous," I exclaimed, "for a bridal feast."

"Ah, no! von fine moral lesson; and it shall be gilded. Quel plaisir de faire une chose