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"What would she care for mine?" was the reply. "Besides, I really must look to myself: what will Sir George say?"

"Nothing to you," answered Maynard, "for I will take the whole upon myself!"

"It is of no use talking to me, for I will not do it!" cried Lavinia, passionately: "I see that you are in love with Lady Marchmont, and it is not me that you must expect to help you!"

A sudden light broke in upon Walter; and, for a moment, he felt awkward and embarrassed: but he was too deeply penetrated with the fault he had committed, too much touched with pity for its victim, to give up his point; besides, she had a claim upon him for her uncle's sake,—that uncle who had been his kindest and his first protector!

"I am quite tired," said the actress, rising, "and shall go to my own room. Good evening!"

"You shall not go," replied Walter, gently detaining her, "till your better self comes