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asked Sir George, "make the most of your writing them for me?"

"I told her I wrote them every line."

"The devil you did!" exclaimed the other.

"And I told her, moreover, that if there was a man in the world devoid of one spark of honour, or one touch of feeling, that man was yourself."

"Mr. Maynard, this insolence is past bearing: leave the room this moment, meddling fool that you are!" cried Sir George, whose surprise had now become rage. "To-morrow you shall leave this house forever!"

"I shall not," replied the other, "wait your orders, or to-morrow either: I leave it forever to-night!"

"The sooner the better!" exclaimed Sir George, "impertinent and ungrateful as you are!"

"I am not aware," answered Walter, "that there is any impertinence in expressing my opinion of your most dishonourable conduct; and I am not aware that I owe you any