Page:Ethical Studies (reprint 1911).djvu/8

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  DUTY FOR DUTY’S SAKE,     .    .    .   128

The end is the Good Will (128-129). This is the universal form (130-131). What ‘ought’ means (131-132). Principle of non-contradiction (133). This contradicts itself (134-136). Duty and duties (137-138). Psychological objection (138-139). Practical uselessness of non-contradiction (139-141). Collision of duties unavoidable (141-143).

  MY STATION AND ITS DUTIES,     .    .    .   145

Present result (145-146). Advance to a higher point of view (146-148). Individualism criticized (148-156). The end is realization as member of a community (157). The moral organism seems to be the solution of ethical problems (158-166). Satisfactoriness of this view (166-171). Relative and absolute morality (171-174). Intuitive character of moral judgments (174-180). Morality not a mere private matter (180-183). Criticism of the above view (183-186).

  IDEAL MORALITY,     .    .    .   193

No limit to the moral sphere (193-197). Content of the ideal self (198-203). Collisions of moral elements (203-206). Morality not simply equal to self-realization (206). What it is (206-212). Difficulties as to its nature (212-220). In what sense is it approximative? (220-225).

  SELFISHNESS AND SELF-SACRIFICE,     .    .    .   226

Statement and refutation of the argument for general selfishness, which is founded on the confusion as to ‘motive’ (227-235). What is the idea of a pleasure? (236). Psychological genesis of the voluptuary (237-245). What selfishness is (245-247). General problem of the good and bad self (247-248). Hereditary theory insufficient (249). Content of good and bad selves (250). Genesis of the good self (251-261). Genesis of the bad self (261-265). Origin of morality proper (265-271). Nature of the morally good and bad selves (271-275). What self-sacrifice is (276).

  CONCLUDING REMARKS,     .    .    .   279