Page:Etta Block - One-act plays from the Yiddish (1923).pdf/105

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The Snowstorm

Felte Faigele
Oh my, where is she?

I lost her right out of my hand.

I’ll go and look for her. (He runs out.)

Shouldn’t have let the groom go out alone.

Chatcha Shimcha
Never mind, my son can handle ten devils all alone!

Shoreh Malke
What a man won’t say!

Felte Faigele
I’m so worried! Where is Zayde?

Don’t grieve, daughter mine. Your groom won’t get lost.

Women, don’t worry. I'll go with him. (He runs out.)

Chatcha Shimcha
What are you crying for, silly calves?

Give us your hand, Chatcha Shimcha. Come here, Shmereh. Where’s the bride? Woe is me, the room is going round and round! Sing, little Jews, sing.

Shoreh Malke
Your head is going round! Woe is me!

Chatcha Shimcha
Shah, people! Really, where is my daughter?