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The Eternal Song

DAVID Of course, what then? Be a bride to a man you don’t even know, and all at once belong to him entirely—go under the Chupah with him— him—and then sit with him alone in a separate room, eat out of one plate—and there you are— husband and wife! It’s awful. (He grows very thoughtful and slowly rises to leave.) Good night.

CHANNAH (with emotion)

A good night to you.

(David leaves. Channah grows very sad; she lays her head on her sewing and weeps—at first quietly, then sobs aloud.)

PESEH (who is awakened by the weeping) Hah—what is the matter, Channah? Chan- nah...

CHANNAH (controls herself and goes on with her Sewing)

What is it, mamma?

PESEH (rising—startled)

I thought I heard a child cry—Chaimke or Malke—seems to me. Did you hear?

CHANNAH No, mamma, I don’t think any one cried.

PESEH (going over to the children to see if any of

them is still whimpering) They’re hungry, my poor, little worms, so they cry in their sleep. God have pity on them! . . » (Looking at Channah.) Why, Channah, you have tears in your eyes! What is it, my

child, are you hungry, too?