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By Lawrence Langner Introduction by St. John Ervine

Tres one-act comedies have unusual variety and originality, and have been produced suc- cessfully by the Washington Square Players, the Provincetown Players, and other theatre groups throughout the country. Mr. Langner posesses that gift which is rarest in American playwrights—a keen sense of satire and a sure touch. His comedies, which read as well as they act, show a humorous understanding of human relations and institutions. Mr. Langner was one of the founders of the Wash- ington Square Players and the Theatre Guild, and is a pioneer in the new theatre movement in Amer- ica. As George Jean Nathan says: ‘‘ This Langner will bear watching. He is a fellow of ideas and genuine humor.”

The plays are: Matinata (2 m. 1w.) Another Way Gut (2m. 3.w.) The Family Exit (4m. 3 ¥) Pie (2 m. 2w.) Licensed (1m. 2 w.) Roscoe WV. Brink in the New York Tribune: ‘Smart, finished and polished things they are.” Houston Post : “Re- freshing plays, streaked with humor and original- ity.” ew York Evening Post: ‘“‘Sure comedy touch, clever dialogue and actable scenes.” George Bernard Shaw, in a letter to the author : “The plays are very good: I read them all through with i- minished appetite ; and so did my wife.”

Silk, cloth. 165 pages. r2mo. $2.00. ¥% Turkey Morocco, $7.50.