Page:Etta Block - One-act plays from the Yiddish (1923).pdf/44

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Mother and Son

Gitele (suddenly getting very red)
Bobbe’she, Uncle David was here. He received a letter from Moshele. He… (Malkele raises a startled face to Gitele before which Gitele stops short.)

Malkele (forcing herself to be stern, her voice leaden)
I have told you that you must never mention his name!

(Gitele now becomes entirely confused and murmurs something unintelligible. Malkele rises and starts to leave the room.)

You know that I do not want to hear of him!

Gitele (firmly)
But the bobbe’she will have to hear. (Speaking very rapidly.) He writes that he is coming…

Malkele (petrified, controls herself with an effort)
Who gave him the permission?


Go, telegraph him not to dare! I do not want to see him here!

Gitele (tearfully)
But, bobbe’she…

Go, telegraph! (Gisele stands confused. She looks with agonized pleading at the old woman.) Well, do you hear? Go, telegraph!