Page:Etta Block - One-act plays from the Yiddish (1923).pdf/56

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Mother and Son

Moshele (refusing to be swerved)
No, come with me. She will forgive me. You…

The Doctor (barring the way)
Moshele, it is impossible. As her physician I cannot allow you to go in there just now.

But I must go in. You will see she will not push me aside.

The Doctor
Yes, but not now. You must both rest first. May we go to your room?

Yes. (To Moshele.) Come, let us go in there.

The Doctor (leading Moshele, who is very worn)
Why, you are still in your traveling clothes—just as you arrived from the train. Come in. You will rest a bit and afterwards you will…

(They go into the room, left, closing the door after them. The stage remains unoccupied a short time, but their voices are heard indistinctly. Malkele rushes in, she looks about anxiously, and, seeing no one, clasps her hands together agonizingly.)

He is gone… (She runs to the door to follow him, but hearing the voices in Gitele’s room, she turns and runs to that door. She stops before it and listens for a moment; her face relaxes, happy and relieved. She sees Moshele’s photo-