Page:Eugene Aram vol 1 - Lytton (1832).djvu/59

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a dialogue and an alarm.—a student's house.

"A fellow by the band of Nature marked,
Quoted, and signed, to do a deed of shame."

*****"He is a scholar, if a man may trust

The liberal voice of Fame, in her report.*****Myself was once a student, and indeed
Fed with the self-same humour he is now."

Ben Jonson.—Every Man in his Humour.

The two sisters pursued their walk along a scene which might well be favoured by their selection. No sooner had they crossed the stile, than the village seemed vanished into earth; so quiet, so lonely, so far from the evidence of life was the landscape through which they passed. On their right, sloped a green and silent hill, shutting out all view beyond itself, save the deepening and twilight sky; to the left, and immediately along