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Epiphany, 64, 156 f., 160–164. See Deus ex Mâchinâ

Euripides: birth, 22, 35; death, 171 f.; biography, 23 ff.; portrait, 28; father, 35; mother, 26 f., 35; books, 28, 103; cave at Salamis, 29, 165; ideas, 7, 99; teachers, 50–59; as playwright, 7, 10, 85; mysticism, 8, 163; attitude to Religion, 190–194; influence after death, 10 ff.; relation to Athens, 30 f., 89, 99, 119 ff., 126, 166 ff.; and Comedy, 30; attitude to women, 28, 32 ff., 84 ff., 121–126; style, 13 f.; technique, 125, 198 ff.; battle pieces, 104

Euripides' Ode on Alcibiades, 113; Epitaph on those slain in Sicily, 144

Aêgeus, 98
Aêolus, 78
Alcéstis, 70, 72 f., 88
Alcmaêon in Corinth, 173
Alcmaêon in Psophis, 71, 73 f.
Alexánder, 137–139
Álope, 121
Andrómache (like "from a key"), 98, 112, 163, 210, 224
Andrómeda, 143–145
Antîope ( in Greek), 239
Aûge, 121
Bacchae, 9, 19, 173, 181–190, 195 ff.
Bellerophóntes, 101, 190
Children of Héracles, 93 f., 98, 210
Cretans, 79
Cretan Women, 71, 77
Cŷclops, 70
Danaë, 121
Daughters of Pélias, 69 f., 81
Eléctra, 138, 152–157, 195, 219 f., 224, 240
Eréchtheus, 98
Hécuba, 89–90, 143, 163, 187, 229
Hélena, 142, 146–148, 163, 192
Héracles, 99–105, 191, 197, 210, 234, 239
Hippólytus, 85–88, 163, 191 ff., 210, 213 f., 217–219, 224, 236, 238
Îon, 79, 119–126, 192, 199
Îphigenîa in Aulis, 173–181, 191
Iphigenîa in Tauris, 101, 142, 145–146, 163, 210, 229, 234, 238
Medêa, 32, 81–86, 90, 143, 163, 187, 192, 206, 229, 240–242
Melaníppe, 27, 121
Oréstes, 158–163, 168, 191, 195, 229
Palamêdes, 137, 139 f.
Phoeníssae, 148–152, 163
Rhêsus, 44, 71, 224
Suppliant Women, 94–98, 111, 210, 234
Têlephus, 72, 74 ff.
Thêseus, 92
Trojan Women, 130–137, 140 ff., 191, 210, 234, 236.

Forgiveness, doctrine of, 162–164

Frazer, J. G., 64

Freedom of Thought, 58, 96

French Revolution, 118

Gellius, 25

Glover, 141

Gods, 191–192; on stage, 156 f. See Deus ex Mâchinâ

Goethe, 10, 245

Graces, The, 105

Grenfell, 24

Haigh, 232

Hardy, T., 234

Harrison, J. E., 64, 222

Hecataêus, 49

Helen, 162

Hellenism, 39

Héracles, Children of, 41. See under Euripides

Heraclîtus, 63

Herd, The, 193 f., 196

Heroes, 65 f.

Heródotus, 20, 39–42, 53 f., 107

Hêsiod, 47

Hippócrates, 21

Historical Spirit, 199 f,

Homer, 36, 131, 229

Horace, 222

Hubris, 63, 128

Hunt, 24

Hygiaînon, 167

Hypérbolus, 110 f.

Ibsen, 9, 33, 206

Ideas, 45 f., 116

Immortality, 36

Initiations, 36