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piratical craft or Taiping; rebels or peaceful but in self-protection heavily armed traders, officially traduced by Chinese informers as pirates. H.M.S. Rattler made a successful raid against pirates at Taichow (May 10, 1855). H.M. Brig Bittern burned 23 junks and killed 1,200 men at Sheifoo (September, 1855) with the loss of her own commander killed and 19 men wounded. H.M.S. Surprise, assisted by boats of H.M.S. Cambrian, captured a whole pirate fleet at Lintin (May, 1858) and in result of this action as many as 134 large cannons were sold in the Colony by public auction and purchased by Chinese (probably confederates of pirates) at the rate of $234 a pair. H.M.S. Magicienne, Inflexible, Plover, and Algerine, destroyed (September, 1858) 40 junks, 30 snake-boats, a stockaded battery and several piratical villages. H.M.S. Fury and Bustard captured 12 junks near Macao (December, 1858) and in the same neighbourhood H.M.S. Niger, Janus, and Clown burned 20 junks and killed some 200 men (March, 1859). Mr. Caldwell, by whose information and guidance all these expeditions were undertaken, enjoyed the fullest confidence of the Authorities but incurred, at the same time, much obloquy and animosity on the part of European friends of the Taipings and particularly among the Chinese friends and abettors of the pirates. On 1st June, 1854, a foolish rumour gained credence among the local Chinese population that an immense piratical fleet was coming to attack and plunder the Colony. After the outbreak of the Arrow War such rumours were frequently in circulation owing to the general increase of piracy. As many as 32 piracies were reported in Hongkong between November 1st, 1856, and 15th February, 1857. After that they decreased in frequency. Only 5 cases of piracy were reported in March, 5 more in May and June, and 11 cases between June 28th and August 17th, 1857. One of the foreign associates of pirates, Eli M. Boggs, an American, was convicted (July 7, 1857) of piracy and sentenced to transportation for life, and a notorious pirate chief, Machow Wong, was sentenced (September 2, 1857) to 15 years' transportation (to Labuan). In October, 1857, the schooner Neva was attacked by pirates who