Page:European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependencies.djvu/195

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Saragossa, 1529

por my, el rrey, y sellada con nuestro sello. Dada en la cidad de Lerida, a veinte e tres dias del mes dAbril, año del Señor de mil e quinientos e veinte e nueve años. Yo, El Rey. Yo, Francisquo de los Covos, secretario de Sus Cesarea y Catholicas Magestades, la fize screvir por su mamdado. Mercurinus, cancelarius. Frater Garcia, episcopus Oxomensis. El Comendador Maior.

A qual carta de contrato, capitolacam, e asento de pacto de rretro vendendo, vista por mym, e todas as condicões e clausulas em ella conteudas, de palavra a palavra, bem vistas e entendidas, a comfirmo, aprovo, e rretefico, e ey por booa e todas as cousas em ella conteudas e cada huũa dellas; e prometo por minha fee rreal, y juro aos santos Avangelhos, sobre que pus minhas maãos, que as comprirey e gardarcy, comvem a saber, aquelas que a mym toca comprir e guardar, por bem, do dito contrato, capitolacam, e asento, asy e tam inteiramente como nela he conteudo e declarado e sem mingoamento alguum, e sob as penas, clausulas, pactos, e condicões que nela se contem. E prometo e juro, por mym e por meus erdeiros e sobcesores, de nunca em nenhuum tempo, nem por modo alguum, por mym, nem por outrem, hiir nem viir contra o dito contrato, capitolacam, e asento, nem contra cousa alguũa das que em elle sam contiudas, antes em todo e por todo as comprirey e guardarey, e farey comprir e gardar, a boa fee, sem arte, cautela, emgano nem malicia alguũa, como dito he. E, por certidam de todo, mamdeey fazer esta carta de comfirmacam, aprovacam e rreteficacam, por mym asinada e aselada do meu selo pendente em chumbo. Dada em a cidade de Lixboa, a vinte dias de Junho. Pero dAlcacova Carneiro a fez. Anno de Noso Senhor Jesuu Cristo de mil e quinhentos e trinta annos.

El Rey.


Dom John, by the grace of God king of Portugal, and of the Algarves on this side and beyond the sea in Africa, lord of Guinea and of the conquest, navigation, and commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, and India. Be it known to all who shall see this my deed of confirmation, approval, and ratification, that between me and Don Charles, emperor ever august, king of Germany, Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies, Jerusalem, etc., my very beloved and prudent brother, there was doubt and dispute in respect to the ownership and possession (or quasi-possession), title, navigation, and commerce of the Moluccas and other islands and seas, each of us saying that they belonged to him and that he was in the possession of all the aforesaid: and because of our very close relationship, and in order that no discontent might ever be felt between our vassals and the natives of our kingdoms, and that the great love, justice, and obligation existing between us might always be preserved, we have concerted in respect to the aforesaid a deed of contract, treaty, and agreement, made by our sufficient and qualified representatives, deputed therefor, the tenor of which, word for word, is as follows:

Don Charles, by the divine clemency elected emperor ever august, king of Germany, Doña Joanna, his mother, and the same Don Charles, her son, by the grace of God king and queen of Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies,