Page:European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependencies.djvu/207

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Saragossa, 1529

signed by all the said representatives in the register made by me, the said secretary, and saw them take oath in person, by the hand of me, the said secretary: Alonso de Valdés, secretary of the said lord emperor; Augustin de Urbina, chancellor of his Majesty; Geronimo Ranzo, servant of the said lord Chancellor and Count of Gattinara; Fernando Rodriguez and Antonio de Sosa, servants of the said lord ambassador, Antonio d'Azevedo; Alonso de Idiaquez, servant of me, the said secretary. The said witnesses likewise will sign their names in the register made by me the said secretary: Mercurinus, chancellor. Fray García, bishop of Osma. The Chief Knight-Commander. Antonio de Acevedo, contiño. Witnesses: Alonso de Valdés, Hieronimo Ranzo, Agustin de Urbina, Antonio de Sousa, Fernando Rodriguez, Alonso de Idiaquez. I, the said secretary and notary, Francisco de los Cobos, was present, together with the said witnesses, at the authorization of this contract and treaty, and at the oath set forth therein, which the said representatives made by my hands, and at the signing of it by them, and by the said witnesses, in the register which remains in my possession; and at the instance of the said ambassador, Antonio d'Azevedo, I have caused this transcript to be made, and for that reason I have made this my sign here, in testimony of the truth, Francisco de los Cobos.

Spanish ratification.

The said instrument and treaty, incorporated above, and every part and parcel of it, having been seen and understood by us, we, being certain and assured of all its contents, commend, confirm, approve, and ratify it, by these presents, and so far as is necessary we execute it anew, and we promise to keep and observe the said instrument and treaty, which thus by our said representatives, and likewise by the said ambassador, representative of the said most serene, very exalted, and very mighty King of Portugal, our brother, was agreed to, authorized, and concerted in our names, and every part and parcel of it, to keep and observe it all, really and in truth, in good faith, without deceit, renouncing all fraud and subterfuge, imposition and mental reservation, and every other form of deception and evasion; and we desire and are content that it shall be observed and fulfilled just as is set forth therein, in the same manner as, and as completely, as if it had been made and adjusted by us. And for the validation, corroboration, and security of the said instrument of sale and treaty, we abolish and abrogate, repeal and annul, all the laws and rights, rescripts, decisions, and opinions of doctors of the law that may be opposed to the validity of the said instrument incorporated above. In particular, we abolish, repeal, and annul any petitions from deputies of the realm that, in the Cortes of Toledo, or in any other cortes whatsoever held by us, they may have presented against our concluding this or any other agreement and treaty with the said Most Serene King, onr brother, although they may regard the petition as a kind of contract; and likewise whatever rescripts and articles of the Cortes we may have made, in respect to the said petitions of the deputies of the realm, we, of our absolute royal power, recognizing no superior in temporal affairs, abolish, abrogate, annul, and repeal all and each of them, and deem them as nothing, and we consider as good the said deed of sale, with the said compact of retrovendendo, and we confirm and ratify it, from now on forever and ever. And we regard